Unemployed? Don’t Apply Here

Imagine you are unemployed and are applying for a new job at a company you are qualified for, and want to work for, and being notified that your application will not be accepted, because you are already unemployed.

This is what some job hunters are facing in this increasingly look-the-other-way unemployment situation according to Laura Bassett in The Huffington Post: “Disturbing Job Ads: The Unemployed Will Not Be Considered”. There is a good thread at “Hacker News” as to why this makes no sense, getting beyond the ethical and moral concerns of it.

Great Spring and Maven tutorials

TheServerSide.com: Cameron McKenzie: “The Easiest Way to Get Started with Spring” – good toe-dip to the Spring container, dependency injection and inversion control.

java.net: Will Iverson: “Building Web Applications with Maven 2” – great intro to Maven, building a small web-app, and running it with Jetty.

JavaWorld: John Ferguson Smart: “An introduction to Maven 2” – a bit more detailed then the previously mentioned Maven tutorial, but does not include Jetty unfortunately.

If I could find one tutorial that brings these elements together, with a little Eclipse IDE configuration and usage thrown in, it would be great.

Go Flyers!

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan press on has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933)

Press on!

Martin Gardner RIP

Unfortunately I did not know of Martin Gardner’s work until watching the embedded video. He inspired many and I’ll be looking to read some of his books, articles, and trying to learn some magic myself. We can all use a little magic.

Boing Boing: RIP Martin Gardner

Douglas Hofstader: Martin Gardner: A Major Shaping Force in My Life

The Nature of Things / Martin Gardner from Wagner Brenner on Vimeo.