Understanding CIDR notation

Good guides for those that need a quick dive:

Wikipedia: CIDR notation. Terse. Without understanding of IP addressing and subnets worthless. So the following give a better big picture:

Cisco: IP Addressing and Subnetting for New Users

MediaWiki’s guide to blocking ranges: Help:Range blocks

Yahoo! Small Business Help: What is CIDR?

Microsoft: Understanding TCP/IP addressing and subnetting basics

Pain kept me away too

Great to hear an acupuncture treatment helped Susie get back to her guitar.

Arthritis in the hands is scary. Part of me is thankful my pain stems only from the back.

Past few weeks I’ve been getting to my garage and plugging in here and there. Becoming re-acquainted with an old friend.

Speaking of that, I’ve been spending the past day transferring old recordings of myself jamming with friends and bands from long ago from cassette to my computer. Around 20 or so cassettes, so its a big job, probably will take a week or more. And I’m doing this, one side of a cassette == one .wav file (for expediency’s sake). Breaking down to individual songs will take a bit.

Getting Lisp

At work props go to Michael Bevilacqua-Linn and his great brown bag on Clojure. I think it helped a few of us not only get exposed to Clojure, but Lisp as well.

Here are some great starting points for the procedural-biased:

defmacro: The Nature of Lisp – absolutely fantastic. Uses Java and XML examples to help bridge the conceptual divide.

Ward Cunningham’s WikiWikiWeb: LispUsersAreArrogant entry.

Steve Yegge’s Lisp is not an acceptable Lisp

Stuart Sierra: Clojure is a Lisp worth talking about

News and Blog: Getting it

Steve Yegge: Emergency Elisp

Me? I have a lot of practice ahead of me to become proficient, but since Emacs is my editor, it comes naturally.

Links for picking up Python FAST

hetland.org: Instant Hacking – very fast introduction to the language and even programming in general.

Dive Into Python – Experienced programmer in other languages should choose this. My favorite introduction to Python.

The Official Python Tutorial – more thorough starter – take a day or so to go thru it and absorb.

Code Like a Pythonista: Idiomatic Python – a must read sooner or later.

Yahoo!’s Python Developer Center – full of info and good links.

PLEAC – Python Cookbook

The ActiveState Python Cookbook

Reading about Domain-Driven Design

InfoQ: Domain-Driven Design in an Evolving Architecture – how guardian.co.uk employed DDD in the development of its new CMS and Web management framework.

Wikipedia: Domain-Driven Design


Comment: On colour-modelling techniques and Archetypal Domain Shape

BBC – Radio Labs: How We Make Websites

To read:

InfoQ: ebook: Domain-Driven Design Quickly

Domain Language /DDD

InfoQ: Video: Jimmy Nilsson on Domain Driven Design

InfoQ: DDD in Practice

InfoQ: Domain Driven Design Content on InfoQ

JavaWorld: Domain-driven design with Java EE 6