Installing Alfresco on OSX – quick and dirty

Note: These are terrible instructions – no security or any set up in regards to
making upgrades easy. But this gets you up and running fast.

  1. Prerequisites: JDK 5.x, MySQL 5.x
  2. First, insure there is no pre-existing alfresco database

    $ mysql -u root -p <ENTER> <ENTER>
    mysql> drop database alfresco;
    mysql> exit
    $ sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop {Enter OSX admin password} <ENTER>
    $ sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start
  3. Create the directory you are going to install alfresco into

    $ mkdir /opt/alfresco
  4. Download and extract Alfresco-Community-3.2-MacOSXInstall.tar.gz from Alfresco

    $ tar xvf Alfresco-Community-3.2-MacOSXInstall.tar.gz 
  5. Run the installer

    $ ./Alfresco-Community-3.2-MacOSXInstall
  6. Choose defaults until destination folder. Override that and select /opt/alfresco
  7. When dialog asks for root password, leave blank, it is referring to MySQL
    root password. When you click Next it will inform you that database
    creation was successful.
  8. After finishing, using terminal cd to the directory Alfresco was installed into:

    $ cd /opt/alfresco
  9. Fire it up:

    $ ./ start
  10. Fire up the virtual server

  11. First time start up can take up to 5 minutes. Give it time. Refresh
    http://localhost:8080/alfresco/ every minute or so and then you should get the
    default dashboard. Username/password admin/admin.
  12. When finished, shut ‘er down.

    $ ./
  13. The virtual server too


Four Videos on Changing Our Notions About Education

Dr. Tae: “Building A New Culture Of Teaching And Learning”: “Dave Eggers’ wish: Once Upon A School” “Alan Kay shares a powerful idea about ideas”: “Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity”:

Metafilter Thread: Scratch, a beginner’s programming language

Shamus Young: Scratch

Some interesting social science, programming, infographics, overlaps

The New York Observer: In the Battle Between Facebook and MySpace, A Digital ‘White Flight’

FlowingData: Rise of the Data Scientist

Coding Horror: Code: It’s Trivial

Zero Intelligence Agents: How to: Use Python and Social Network Analysis to Find New Twitter Friends


Martin Fowler coins a useful term: “Illustrative Programming”: languages that “fuse the execution of the program together with its definition”. “Illustrative programming requires information from the actual running of the program.” He uses Excel as an example.

I think MIT’s Scratch provides an example of this as well. I need to pass it along.

Two Links on Car Repairs, Crashes, and Infrastructure

Mr. Aaron Held: Designing a new Infrastructure is like buying a new car:

** You usually start this process due to a crash **

code: User gen data + no cache eviction = FAIL
car : SUV from the side + swerve = One less Stop sign.

Shelley Powers: Car Repair:

Car repair is not a linear progression, with incidents sweetly spaced so as to remind us, gently, that nothing lasts forever.

It is an aggregation of aggravation, where one failure begets another, in clumps timed to crest when your wallet is flattest.