Yesterday was a big one for newspaper companies

The Journal Register Company, which is running a forward thinking project focusing on newspaper production, reached an important landmark yesterday, and published their newspapers using open source tools.

Read about it from Jeff Jarvis and on the Journal Register’s blog about the project they have appropriately titled, “The Ben Franklin Project”. The work that The Journal Register Company is putting into this will provide a template for others to build upon.

More from Steve Earley and John Paton.

Putting together a lightweight HD video recording rig

I have a Kodak Zi8 recorder that I am planning to use to upload videos to YouTube with. It produces fantastic quality videos, but more important, it has a stereo microphone jack, so that I can use it to record live music or interviews with a high degree of audio quality.

Tim Conneally, over at Betanews, has put together a great guide to putting together a kit that will fit into a 15 inch notebook sleeve.

Based upon its recommendations, I have already purchased a Dynex Video Bracket.

Next steps are two by a microphone and lastly, a lamp. I’m looking for recommendations if you have them.

Mat Schaffer has offered, based upon personal experience, the SP-BMC-1 from Sound Professionals.

My price limit is up to the Rode VideoMic being used by Tim Conneally.

Fran Guidry recommends the SP-SPSM-15 from Sound Professionals and the (discontinued) AT825 from Broadcast Production & Microphones.

Making Emacs with emacs-starter-kit a little more friendly

Hopefully you’ve read the docs and know that you can override settings and implement your own extensions rather easily:

Create a Lisp file under ~/.emacs.d/ specific to your username ($USER-NAME.el) or system ($SYSTEM-NAME.el) that Emacs with emacs-starter-kit will load automatically at startup.

I’ve created mine specific to my user name – ~/.emacs.d/kmarti05.el. You can determine the value of your user-name in emacs by issuing C-h-v user-login-name.

Here is the contents of my ~/.emacs.d/kmarti05.el file:

;; visible bell
(setq visible-bell nil)
;; allow selection deletion
(delete-selection-mode t)
;; make sure delete key is delete key
(global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)
;; turn on the menu bar
(menu-bar-mode 1)
;; have emacs scroll line-by-line
(setq scroll-step 1)
;; set color-theme
(defun my-zoom (n)
"Increase or decrease font size based upon argument"
(set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height
(+ (face-attribute 'default :height) (* (if (> n 0) 1 -1) 10))))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-+")      '(lambda nil (interactive) (my-zoom 1)))
(global-set-key [C-kp-add]       '(lambda nil (interactive) (my-zoom 1)))
(global-set-key (kbd "C-_")      '(lambda nil (interactive) (my-zoom -1)))
(global-set-key [C-kp-subtract]  '(lambda nil (interactive) (my-zoom -1)))
(message "All done!")

Afraid you’ll miss Firebug if you move to Chrome?

Probably not. Check out the screencasts at Chromium Projects: “Google Chrome Developer Tools”.

I haven’t abandoned Firefox yet. But it is important to experiment and keep your toolbox open.

Since Chrome has recently gone stable on the OS X, I’m finding it a capable browser. Haven’t switched yet however.