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Tag Archives: programming
Practical threaded programming with Python
IBM developerWorks: Practical threaded programming with Python
Sun’s default HTTP classes have come a long way, but…
Issuing POSTs is still way too cumbersome in comparison to Apache’s HttpClient.
A nice gallery application
SimpleViewer looks easy to use and I’m spotting it on a number of photo blogger sites.
Spring 2.5 Brings New Features to Spring MVC
InfoQ: Spring 2.5: New Features in Spring MVC: As you can see there is minimal XML, no URI paths embedded in annotations, no explicit view names, the request handling method consists of a single line, the method signature matches precisely what we need, and additional request handling methods can be easily added. All of these benefits come without the need for a base class and without XML – at least none directly attributable to this controller.
Migrating to Movable Type’s Standard Templates
I’ve been behind the curve in adding new features and functionality to this blog for a while, so I’m migrating to a set of SixApart provided templates and rebuilding my look and feel. You can see it taking place here. This will include a change in link structure. To handle that, a query into Movable Type’s mt_entry table will provide me with the URL patterns to add to .htaccess for redirection.
Eight web development and programming links for today
Ted Dziuba – I’m Going To Scale My Foot Up Your Ass (via Comcaster Mr. Mat Schaffer): “If You Haven’t Discussed Capacity Planning, You Can’t Discuss Scalability” (Bingo!)
High Scalability: Flickr Architecture
Gustavo Duarte – Lucky to be a Programmer: “This analytical side is what most people associate with programming. It does make it interesting, like a complex strategy game. But in most software the primary challenge is communication: with fellow programmers via code and with users via interfaces. By and large, writing code is more essay than puzzle. It is shaping your ideas and schemes into a coherent body; it is seeking clarity, simplicity and conciseness. Both code and interfaces abound with the simple joy of creation.”
TechCrunchIT: : “Geeks and enthusiasts wearing WordPress t-shirts, using laptops covered in Data Portability, Microformats and RSS stickers lined up enthusiastically on Friday to purchase a device that is completely proprietary, controlled and wrapped in DRM.”
Shelley Powers: Painting the Web now DRM Free and on Kindle (Congrats!)
Spartan Programming: SendAnEmail case study (print it out!)
Official Google Blog: Our Googley advice to students: Major in learning
BitWorking: Python isn’t just Java without the compile
Seven development related links for today
Spartan programming – Ssdlpedia (via Coding Horror)
HTTP request flow diagram – print out worthy.
36 steps to success as technical lead | Little Tutorials – some good advice here
Python best practices – still learning
MIT OpenCourseWare: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.189 A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, January (IAP) 2008 – speaking of still learning… yippie!
CryptoKids: America’s Future Codemakers & Codebreakers – hmmmmmm….
good coders code, great reuse: Follow Hacker News from the Console
Scaling Java EE Applications Series at Scaling Your Java EE Applications – Part 1 Scaling Your Java EE Applications – Part 2