Access Matters

Programmers have a saying, “Linus’ Law”: “given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”.

This makes it all the more concerning that during the oil leak disaster in the Gulf, access has been restricted for reporters and scientists.

Lets hope the news that the leak is almost over is true. The cleanup will take years.

Related: Stephen Engelberg: “When the Police Control the Press”

Yesterday was a big one for newspaper companies

The Journal Register Company, which is running a forward thinking project focusing on newspaper production, reached an important landmark yesterday, and published their newspapers using open source tools.

Read about it from Jeff Jarvis and on the Journal Register’s blog about the project they have appropriately titled, “The Ben Franklin Project”. The work that The Journal Register Company is putting into this will provide a template for others to build upon.

More from Steve Earley and John Paton.

On finding the time to learn

Zen and the Art of Programming: Antonio Cangiano, Software Engineer & Technical Evangelist at IBM: “The Pursuit of Excellence in Programming”

Related: “Becoming a better programmer takes exercise”

Derek Silves: “After 15 years of practice…”

Peter Norvig: “Teach Yourself Programming in Ten Years”

Making a difference – Jeff Campbell and Hungry for Music “Instruments Of Good: The Healing Power Of Music”:

Another fan of Campbell’s work is singer/songwriter Peter Case. “When I was a kid,” Case says, “my guitar was like a piece of wood off a burning ship: I clung to it with all my strength and it saved me during rough times. Hungry for Music is doing important work, steering kids to instruments, and providing them to those who otherwise couldn’t get them. I think lives are being turned around by this, just like mine was.”


Hungry For Music

Pepsi Refresh Project: Get 10,000 free musical instruments to 10,000 underprivileged kids

Happy 4th of July!

I hope you are having a great 4th of July weekend. Yesterday was a big one here, hanging out with family and friends. The parade was fantastic, and it was capped by one awesome fireworks display. They were lighting off directly above us. Some days I can’t help but feel like the luckiest person in the world, and yesterday was definitely one. Some great memories to keep, including watching Emma have fun with her friends and watching her smile and laugh light up brighter than the fireworks. I just posted part of the display to YouTube: “86 Seconds: July 3rd Rockledge Fireworks”:

I hope you have a safe and great weekend.