John Perry Barlow’s “A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace”

Do you remember when this was shared on the Net? It’s worth a re-read. And some time to reflect. When doing research into my spondylolisthesis, I discovered that John Perry Barlow, cofounder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and lyricist for the Grateful Dead, is dealing with it as well.

Spring 2.5 Brings New Features to Spring MVC

InfoQ: Spring 2.5: New Features in Spring MVC: As you can see there is minimal XML, no URI paths embedded in annotations, no explicit view names, the request handling method consists of a single line, the method signature matches precisely what we need, and additional request handling methods can be easily added. All of these benefits come without the need for a base class and without XML – at least none directly attributable to this controller.

Migrating to Movable Type’s Standard Templates

I’ve been behind the curve in adding new features and functionality to this blog for a while, so I’m migrating to a set of SixApart provided templates and rebuilding my look and feel. You can see it taking place here. This will include a change in link structure. To handle that, a query into Movable Type’s mt_entry table will provide me with the URL patterns to add to .htaccess for redirection.

Free book on Hyperlinks and their effects on society and business

This looks like a must read: The Hyperlinked Society: Questioning Connections in the Digital Age.

Two interesting chapters right off the bat:

Seth Finkelstein’s concise description of PageRank and some of the interesting societal issues it raises: Google, Links, and Popularity versus Authority

David Weinberger’s passionate arguments and assertions that links are good: The Morality of Links