Spring 2.5 Brings New Features to Spring MVC

InfoQ: Spring 2.5: New Features in Spring MVC: As you can see there is minimal XML, no URI paths embedded in annotations, no explicit view names, the request handling method consists of a single line, the method signature matches precisely what we need, and additional request handling methods can be easily added. All of these benefits come without the need for a base class and without XML – at least none directly attributable to this controller.

Migrating to Movable Type’s Standard Templates

I’ve been behind the curve in adding new features and functionality to this blog for a while, so I’m migrating paradox1x.org to a set of SixApart provided templates and rebuilding my look and feel. You can see it taking place here. This will include a change in link structure. To handle that, a query into Movable Type’s mt_entry table will provide me with the URL patterns to add to .htaccess for redirection.

Free book on Hyperlinks and their effects on society and business

This looks like a must read: The Hyperlinked Society: Questioning Connections in the Digital Age.

Two interesting chapters right off the bat:

Seth Finkelstein’s concise description of PageRank and some of the interesting societal issues it raises: Google, Links, and Popularity versus Authority

David Weinberger’s passionate arguments and assertions that links are good: The Morality of Links