Alfresco API: RESTful API Links

Trying to find one reference that links to the entire Alfresco REST API? The following pages are all on the AlfrescoWiki, but its a bit hard to navigate. Note that the 3.1 REST API page does not include the items mentioned in the 3.0 REST API page, or the Deployment REST API page, the 3.0 REST API page and so on. You need *all* these pages, plus others listed below, for a complete picture (I think):

Deployment REST API
Repository RESTful API Reference
2.0 RESTful API
REST Design Guidelines
CMIS RESTful API Reference

More from Daniel Jacobson on NPR’s content management ecosystem

Programmable Web: Daniel Jacobson: “Content Portability: Building an API is Not Enough”

Previous entries in the series:

Programmable Web: Daniel Jacobson: Content Modularity: More Than Just Data Normalization

Programmable Web: Daniel Jacobson: COPE: Create Once, Publish Everywhere

You can read much more from the NPR team on their blog at Inside A recent post on the blog from Jason Grosman that caught my attention was “What Happens When Stuff Breaks On”.


Justin Cormack has some thoughts on the above series, in particular on content portablility, that are worth reading.

Also related to content portability (I think – okay – maybe a stretch – but is worthy to think about), is “Dive into history, 2009 edition”: “HTML is not an output format. HTML is The Format. Not The Format Of Forever, but damn if it isn’t The Format Of The Now.”

Also Related:

AIGA: Callie Neylan: Case Study:

John Nunemaker has no talent, I agree (and don’t either!)

Love this post by John Nunemaker and programming: “I Have No Talent”:

It is true. I have no talent. What I do have is a lot of practice. And I am not talking about occasionally dabbling in Ruby on the weekends. I am talking about the kind of practice where I beat code that isn’t working into submission (though often times the code wins).

Rafe Colburn’s vote for Software Engineering’s “Trend of the Decade”

Check out Rafe’s thoughts on what he considers software engineering’s “Trend of the Decade”, Decentralized Process: More work done in public, public discussion of that work, and the introduction of new best practices have defined the trend of the decade — developers owning the processes under which they work. Hopefully it will continue in the next decade.

My perspective and experience says he’s right. And I gotta agree with his wish. Read the full post.