Mom is out of ICU

Mom is now breathing, eating and drinking on her own. While she is still fighting pneumonia, she is far more stable and can now communicate fully with us. Thanks for everyone’s well wishes and prayers.

When will blogging peak?

That counts upon what you mean by “peak”. For Jeremy Zawodny of Yahoo! (and I’m paraphrasing) its when blogging goes from being “the new thing” or “the thing that changes/reinvents X” to just another part of daily life for a bunch of people. He wants to know when you think that will happen.

My answer – and it will jar my DIY readers – just look at Xanga, LiveJournal, and MySpace. That day has already come for millions.

We may thumb our noses at those communities, but it is there you will find folks blogging as just another part of daily life.

However, I don’t think we are even close to peaking in terms of innovation or in raw numbers of adopters.

The Patriot Act and Philadelphia: what Reauthorization means to you

Please read this important post (with tips on how you can make a difference) by Thom at Philly Future on the Patriot Act and Philadelphia.

Yesterday the House voted to make provisions of what was to be temporary in the Patriot Act permenent.

Here is how local Pennsylvania representatives voted.

No matter what your views on the law, you should get educated as to what it means – for our safety yes, but more importantly in my eyes – for our freedom.

Oh man, I wish I could go to this…

It’s nice to be mentioned as one of “today’s leading online community sites” with such good company! But the session is in California Oregon and in just a couple weeks. There is just no way I can make it to this:

O’Reilly Open Source Convention: Open Source Community and Citizen Journalism Communities with Drupal – August 1-5, 2005 – Portland, OR.:

In the past year, Drupal has gone from a secret weapon used by those “in the know” to powering many of today’s leading online community sites. E.g. Spread Firefox, Planet Cocoon, BaitCar, Urban Vancouver, Philly Future, BlufftonToday, etc. At this BOF, learn from the Drupal community and Drupal entities like Bryght and Civic Space

about the Drupal best practices for creating online community. All are
welcome including Drupal users and developers and newbies. We can all
learn from each other.

via Roland Tanglao.

Some progress

The amount of fluid in mom’s chest has gone down a bit so her doctor has considered against doing a Thoracentesis. During both my and Dante’s last visits mom was smiling at times, even laughing (and then coughing) at our attempts to cheer her up. Mom has a terrific sense of humor. I don’t know where mine is – but her’s is very healthy! She confirmed with Dante that what she really wants right now is a coffee. Being awake, she was really upset when I had to leave – it was tough to go home. No progress so far in removing the tube. I will have another update from her doctor today before visiting.

James Doohan, “Scotty”, Rest In Peace

Yesterday afternoon I heard the news that James Doohan had passed. My wishes to his family, his friends, and to all my Star Trek buds out there.

CNN obit and Memory Alpha’s Bio of Montgomery Scott.

Previous employers have looked at me as ummm a “miracle worker” – and ahhh – I let on my secret once to my former boss, Rajiv: applying the “Scotty Rule” to project estimations. Never, ever, ever quote the time it would take to finish a project accurately. Pad it. Double and triple it.

From the TNG episode “Relics’:

Scotty: “Starfleet captains are like children. They want everything right now and they want it their way. But the secret is to give them only what they need, not what they want.”

LaForge: “Yeah, well, I told the captain I’d have this analysis done in an hour.”

Scotty: “How long will it really take?”

LaForge: “An hour.”

Scotty: “You didn’t tell him now long it would really take, did you?”
LaForge: “Of course I did.”

Scotty: “Laddie, you got a lot to learn if you want people to think of you as a miracle worker!”

From “Star Trek III: The Search For Spock”:

Kirk: “How long to re-fit?”

Scotty: “Eight weeks. But you don’t have eight weeks, so I’ll do it for you in two.”

Kirk: “Do you always multiply your repair estimates by a factor of four?”

Scotty: “How else to maintain my reputation as a miracle worker?”

Kirk: “Your reputation is safe with me.”

God bless and God speed.

The “World LIVE Web”

Technorati is not the only game in town when it comes to seeing what bloggers are talking about this minute. Let me share a few sites that as a news and blog junkie I am downright addicted to:

Blog centric replacements for Google News:

Findory and Digg and Blogrunner are amazing. Findory, in particular, comes close to a real Google News replacement. You don’t need a user account to get a great picture of what’s being talked about right now.

Technology Related Aggregators:

Macromedia’s News Aggregator along with the give me a great picture of what’s being discussed by blogs focused on two of my favorite technologies: Flash and Java.


Bloglines Most Popular Links, Kinja’s Editor’s Digests,, Daypop’s Top 40 (which runs better than ever), and Intelliseek’s BlogPulse give you a grounds eye view of what’s being bookmarked and shared.


IceRocket, Bloglines, and Feedster each provide search services that compare well with Technorati. IceRocket now has tag search that works.

Like Doc Searls said however – someone needs to take on an objective review of these services.

Where are the Women in IT?

The numbers of women in IT have actually dwindled these past few years. Read
Burningbird – When we are Needed for some interesting thoughts for discussion:

…In World War II, among the Rosies, there were many who wanted to continue to work, but most didn’t want to ‘rock the boat’, and the few that were willing, made little impact. And so our struggle continued for decades longer than need be because in fateful moment when we could have made such as resounding statement, we took off our work gloves and put on a house dress and quietly returned to the roles society had dictated for us.

As for women in technology, there are those who believe we should shout out when we see disparity, but there are equally as many who believe that doing so will ‘rock the boat’, and this will ‘push’ away the menfolk. After all, no one likes a loud, abbrasive feminist, or a bitch that has no sense of humor. No one likes an angry woman.

But anger is anger, regardless of the sex of the person who is angry. Anger is not nobled by man nor enfeebled by woman. Anger just is.

I’m not even sure who is in the right: those who say compete, and those who say don’t; those who get angry, and those who don’t. All I know is that I’m getting tired of looking at white guys in pictures.

In her piece she links to local Philadelphia blogger Antonella Pavese, who has recently decided to leave IT for Marketing. She quotes its “excessive emphasis on speed rather than quality…, on execution rather than strategy, and the disregard for the human and caring aspects of building applications (e.g., the quality of the user experience rather than the quality of the code).” has as her reasons to move on.

See Groundhog Day for more.