Everyone’s talking about ‘V’

While I’m happy to see there is a chance for it, lately I’ve been enjoying another favorite show from when I was a kid – Star Blazers! I’m surprised at how well the series holds up after all these years. I’m surprised as many adult themes made it into a cartoon series, even if it was wrapped up in such a crazy premise. I’m surprised that seeing it now as an adult hasn’t let me down in the least. I’ve even been compelled to learn the intro and it’s love theme on my guitar.

In His Time of Dying

… ”I’m on the periphery of a lot of despair, of course,” he said. ”You’d have to be stupid not to be. I have my moments when I’m not too thrilled about this whole deal. But at the same time, the songs have never come like this, so I’d have to feel more gratitude than anything else. I’m probably in the intensest creative period of my life.”

Zevon and his longtime bassist and collaborator, Jorge Calderon, have been writing whenever ideas strike them — including, Zevon says, via cellphone conversations ”from the aisle of the health-food store. I have to move fast, because I don’t know what’s going to happen.”

Read the rest over at the NYTimes. via Code the Web Socket (not a bad name – heh).

2 days, 7 hours

Here I am blogging at 6:30AM. Doin AOK. Rough night sleeping, but that’s to be expected. I had a few unexpected nic fits last night, but I kept from the basement, continued to read Red Storm Rising, and did some web surfing. Our basement is finished and early on we designated it our play room. Our real living room is down there. No smoking up stairs. Which is paying off right now.

I’ve e-mailed Anthony at Origivation magazine to see if there is any way I can help. Two ways of getting more revenue. Bring more money in or spend less money. I can probably help in the web tech area somehow. After all, if he’s spending even just his time updating the site – it’s time wasted.

Wouldn’t a weblog where bands entered their own info and he just editted it be a bit more efficient? Or he picked an editor volunteer he trusted?

Also, the band listings and message boards detract and compete with those over at PhillyMusic. I’ve spoken to Tim who runs PhillyMusic in the past. He’s a great dude. I wonder if I can get these two together? I wonder if he knows about the situation at Origivation? I mean – there is nothing at PhillyMusic that would make you think so. I’m gonna e-mail Tim today.

And *then* there is Groovelingo. Another great Philly music site. Actually an online radio station via MP3.com! There is linkage between PhillyMusic and GrooveLingo, but maye there could be a whole lot more.

After all … Philly is a small town. It’s not as big as people think. The three of them actually pull users from each other, and cut down the time spent at any one site. With their collective talents, I know the results would be kick ass.