Right on time, opening in July, here in Philly

The National Constitution Center opens in Philadelphia July 4th. It describes itself as “an independent, non-partisan, and non-profit organization dedicated to increasing public understanding of, and appreciation for, the Constitution, its history, and its contemporary relevance, through an interactive, interpretive facility within Independence National Historical Park and a program of national outreach, so that We the People may better secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

Not a day too soon. I’m sure it will become an important Philadelphia landmark and destination. The website even shows promise: Tools to register to vote, and educational resources.

See the Democratic Party presidential debate?

No? Didn’t think so. If you didn’t then ABCNews will let you view it for a monthly fee. Otherwise you may catch it on CSPAN. Here is a related Metafilter thread.

It was educational. While I liked what I heard, I only saw one candidate *look* presidential – and that was Gephardt, who, btw, I don’t think stands a chance. Sen. John Edwards is inspiring, his personal story spoke to me, and he had much to say, but I’m not sold yet. The next few months will tell if he acquires the quality that made Gephardt seem presidential – that quiet confidence that controls the camera.

I could talk about the others, who in many ways were very impressive, but I don’t think they can beat President Bush. I’m not a political analyst, so it’s just my opinion, I maybe wrong. Hopefully I am. The coming months should be interesting.

Ya know… there is a reality show somewhere in here… (no not American Candidate. Something a little more behind the scenes…).

Gen. Wesley Clark and Gary Hart, please throw your hats into the ring and make this a race.

Update: Washington Post analysis: Debate Bares Democrats’ Great Divide. They need to get it together. Too much sniping at one another.

The New Normal

…”let’s be clear: The ’90s were not normal . The thing I am most certain of in this world is that the technology universe will not see that ’90s type of growth explosion again — not in our lifetime. This is the New Normal, and it’s about the rest of your life. So the first piece of advice is, Let’s move on.”

Read the rest in Fast Company.

A Reason to Vote

“People don’t need more opinions, we already drown in data. People need clarity. Drill down.” That’s from my mission statement. This is a perfect opportunity to put that to practice and give you cynics out there a civics lesson.

What Senator Santorum said helps you to realize there are differences between the political parties. Pay attention to the related court case which will help define – constitutionally – many important questions, and is a demonstration of how important our choice of President is for whom he or she nominates to the Supreme Court.

Think about what the Senator said. What it says about him, his party, it’s leadership’s silence, and the questions poised by the court case.

For or against – think deeply about it.

Cynics shrug their shoulders and don’t vote.

It’s for reasons like these that exemplify why you must.

Register to vote . Make your opinion known when it counts – on election day.

Last week was a great week

You had to be moved by what was accomplished last week. Those on the far left and far right need to re-think things.

Salon: Liberation Day and “It’s a catastrophe for tyranny. It’s a great day”.

USAToday: Iraqis share graphic tales of regime’s torture chambers.

But how are we doing with who we liberated a year ago? Salon: The last place we liberated.

We should support our troops and their families. It is an outrage to cut their benefits (read the story).

Keep in mind there are two kinds of influencing power: Hard power and soft power (link). When Teddy Roosevelt said “Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”, he was ment this. Doing both is considerably harder then walking and chewing gum at the same time, but you purests out there…

Site to watch: Draft Clark.

Kerry reaches out to protestors

Boston Globe: Kerry says the US needs a…. Stupid choice in words if you ask me – I won’t repeat them. I find his criticism suspect since his voting record says otherwise. Nevertheless…

I ask as I did yesterday: Who will be louder? Will the left rally around him or will the right rip him to shreds?

Senator Kerry has a higher profile the Congressman Kucinich. Will this be ignored as well?

Speaking of candidates, Atrios attended a Howard Dean meetup. Read the thread. Dean’s organization get’s the Internet judging by the posts.

Update 4/6/2003: Kerry responds to his critics and it looks like his stand is starting to get noticed.