Can’t Help But Post These

McCain turned down Bush for the VP in 2000 (Political Wire). Cheney was his second choice. Imagine that.

9/11 Commission: Cheney can’t support his claim (Reuters). No ties between Iraq and Al Qaeda. None.

And Iraq has been a distraction from the war on terror (U.S. Army War College quoted at the Washington Post).

Collect donations for the Republican party and earn 30% of it (Metafilter). Talk about something begging to be corrupted.

Saudi Arabia for Bush (Slate). Nothing new here, but thought provoking.

Pakistan for Bush (Metafilter): Some were told to time bringing down Bin Laden during the Democratic Convention.

Hope Over Anger

That’s what their one two finish in Iowa represented. And that is the their message now. It’s all about fighting for tomorrow.

The son of a mill worker from a small rural town, he was the first person in his family to graduate from college. He went on to law school, then made millions representing ordinary people against giant corporations. After his 16-year-old son, Wade, died in a car accident in 1996, Mr. Edwards cloistered himself in grief, then emerged the next year to run for the Senate, beating a three-term Republican incumbent.

Who do you think has the better vision for the country? The Bush team has shared little except for personal attacks and more of the same.

Happy 4th of July: Harmid Karzai Sets The Left And Right Straight

I’ve spent some of the weekend on a patriotic inspired commenting tear in other weblogs, in an attempt of fight willful ignorance. I think I connected in a couple of situations, even among those intent on putting all those on the other side of the argument in a narrow box defined by the stereotypes of their political parties.

Today I listened to Harmid Karzai of Afghanistan receive the Philadelphia Liberty medal. His speech was powerful and I’m sure there are some on the far left and far right who didn’t appreciate what he had to say.

He quoted Patrick Henry’s famous liberty or death speech and talked of the sacrifice in blood that Afghans are making and willing to make for their freedom. He then spoke of how important is that children have been able to go to back school and how thankful he was for it.

On July 4th many direct you to read The Declaration of Independence, but without context, so very few understand reasoning of it’s author, of those who signed it, or what they put on the line to do so.

In honor of the Harmid Karzai speech today, read Patrick Henry’s “Liberty or Death” speech and then what Thomas Jefferson had to say about an informed citizenry, of public education, of science, of trust in our people over our leaders, of light and liberty.

They are bound to get you thinking about what freedom means.

Voting Against, No, Voting For

Jeff Jarvis knocks the Democrats for running a race against George Bush and not for John Kerry. The distinction is important and I’m glad that Jeff Jarvis highlighted it. He lists a few observations that lead him to think that this is the case and uses a Google search as additional proof. I respectfully disagree.

While it is true that negative messages get more press, and that webloggers are focusing on the misdeeds of the current administration far more than John Kerry’s stances on the issues, this has more to do with the nature of weblogging and the news cycle than it does with any coordinated DNC activity.

A simple glance at his official advertisements vs. George Bush’s (where the vast majority of communication money is spent) and you will see who the true negative campaigner is vs. the one with a message of optimism and faith in the future of America.

In short: the Bush campaign is selling fear and division. And it’s fear that is Bush’s most potent weapon. Their campaign knows it and is using it like baseball bat across the head. Again and again and again.

Deep in the Buzzmachine comments thread, Jeff Jarvis posts some important advice that left leaning weloggers better take heed: “The best thing a supporter can do is push the guy you’re supporting to do better. So look at that from two perspectives: First, pushing Kerry to get out there more and excite voters with his stands. Second, pushing fellow liberals not to fall into the trap of extremism as Moore et al copy the tactics of Coulter et al.”

The fact that some people still don’t know John Kerry’s stands on the issues is a problem. The question: is it a problem of willful ignorance or not? Or is it that we are hard wired share negativity?

As Nicholas Kristof says in the NYTimes:

“the rush to sling mud is gaining momentum, and “Fahrenheit 9/11” marks the polarization of yet another form of media. One medium after another has found it profitable to turn from information to entertainment, from nuance to table-thumping.

Talk radio pioneered this strategy, then cable television. Political books have lately become as subtle as professional wrestling, and the Internet is adding to the polarization. Now, with the economic success of “Fahrenheit 9/11,” look for more documentaries that shriek rather than explain….

Mr. Bush got us into a mess by overdosing on moral clarity and self-righteousness, and embracing conspiracy theories of like-minded zealots. How sad that many liberals now seem intent on making the same mistakes.”

He’s right, but one thing is for sure: people vote for candidates who exemplify optimism and belief in America. So I hope the Bush campaign keeps going in the revealing direction it is in and the Kerry campaign not only stays the course, but pushes it harder. Kerry’s grassroots supporters (webloggers and those hitting the streets) need to get this straight and fast.

As Things Improve In Iraq, We Raise Our Fist In Another Direction

There have been plenty of positive changes occurring in Iraq this week.

But of course, we couldn’t leave it that way.

We now plan to send an unprecedented number of aircraft carrier strike groups off of China’s shores, in a massive display of force, that is bound to do wonders for our relationship with them.

China, a country moving towards capitalism slowly, but surely, is about to get a black eye from us. This, after their efforts to help broker communication between us and North Korea just doesn?t make sense.

Ya know, I think I know why: it’s because it was the Chinese who attacked us on 9/11.

Major Republicans Turning On Bush

“I would not have voted for [President Bush’s] tax cut, based on what I know. . . . There is no doubt that the people at the top who need a tax break the least will get the most benefit. . . . Too often presidents do things that don’t end up helping the people they should be helping, and their staffs won’t tell them their actions stink on ice.”: Former senator Jesse Helms (R-N.C.), in a recent interview with Business North Carolina magazine (WashingtonPost).