Newsmap and 10×10

These have made the rounds before, but they are worth a second (and third, and… well for me it’s an everyday thing) look:

newsmap builds a graphical representation of the top stories at Google News that makes it easy to discern what the most popular ones of the day are.

10×10 does something similar, culling stories from various news sources and presenting them in a photographic gallery, literally laid out in ten rows and ten columns.

Neither description I’m giving does them justice. If you haven’t tried these yet, give them a shot.

Respect for Web Developers

Jeremy Zawodny commented on something I’ve felt for a long time – client side web development is hard work and doesn’t get the respect it deserves.

The work I do mostly focuses on things behind the scenes. Like Rafe, early on I made the decision that it is where I could be most successful and apply my talents. While I have a familiarity with the basics of client side development, and do it when called for, I have extreme respect for those on our staff that wrestle with its complexity everyday.

‘Dead Wrong’

Admist the news of the past two weeks, you might have missed this: a presidential commission said our Iraq intelligence was ‘dead wrong’ and that we still know “disturbingly little” about the weapons programs and intentions of many of our “most dangerous adversaries.”

Today it looks like the British are following suit.

Notice the extreme lack of folks losing their jobs over this. Sad. No one takes responsibility and everyone just passes the buck.