College Education Link Dump for Friday, April 3, 2009

NYTimes: Finding Hope Online, and Hoping a Job Follows – the story of Raymond Vaughn, out of work window installer, and his foray into online education in hopes to build a new career.

Salon: Gated communities of learning – the cost of higher education keeps rising, at time where it is increasingly an environment.

Ask Slashdot: With a Computer Science Degree, an Old Man At 35? – how should someone a little older than usual get back on track with his or her education? Online and on the money: – online and state colleges are seeing a boom in growth.

Times Online: Harvard’s masters of the apocalypse

The Internet revolution being felt in media, politics, art, will transform the education system over the next few years. Some related links:

Knowledge@Wharton: ‘The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching’

a vc: Hacking Education

a vc: One Thing You Don’t Need To Be An Entrepreneur: A College Degree

New Scientist: ‘iTunes university’ better than the real thing

correct me if i’m wrong: The Paradox of Self-Education

“People don’t realize that homeless does not mean bum, addict. Homeless means without a home.”

That’s Aislyn Oliver, who , along with her husband, John Washington, recently talked with Daniel Rubin, and shared their inspirational story with and the Inquirer.