Will It Get This Bad?

Intel Chairman and tech visionary Andy Grove…predicted that the software and services industry is about to travel the well-worn path of the steel and semiconductor industries. Steel’s market share dropped from about 50 percent to 10 percent in a few decades. U.S. chip companies saw theirs shrink from 90 percent to about 50 percent today. Now the writing is on the wall that software could suffer the same fate, said Grove, whose 1996 bestseller was titled “Only the Paranoid Survive.”

Read the rest of the gloom in The Mercury News.

What do you think? Will it get that bad? Is it on its way already?

Update: According to Wired there maybe some positive movement in the job market taking place.

The Rich (Really) Are Different

“Americans making $70,000 or more dispensed a paltry 3.3 percent of their earnings to charitable cuases; in contrast, those making $50,000 to $69,999 gave 5.6 percent, and those making $30,000 to $49,999 gave 8.9 percent.”

From The Atlantic Monthly’s Primary Sources. via Paddling to New Zealand.

Just remember that the next time you support tax breaks that go more to the wealthy instead of the middle class. Or the poor for that matter. As Jane Eisner, in this Inquirer article explains, welfare reform has only gone so far.

They Care About Rush But A Big City Mayor Getting Bugged?

On the eve of the mayoral election – the blogosphere sleeps. A big city Democrat mayor – Philadelphia’s Mayor Street – has his office bugged, his associates raided, and rumors are flying.

Philadelphia Inquirer: 3 City Agencies Raided.

Philadelphia Inqurier: Longtime Supporter Raided.

Philadelphia Inquirer: Streets ratings are rising in face of the investigation.

CityPaper: The Mayor and the Media (a must read for behind the behind the scenes acrimony that exists between the media and the mayor).