The Pennsylvania Telco bill gets signed

The Register: Philly sells Pennsylvania to Verizon.

TechDirt: Rendell Signs No Muni Bill Into Law.

Engadget: Verizon and Philly cut deal on citywide WiFi, basically shaft rest of Pennsylvania.

Slashdot: Verizon-Pushed WiFi Bill Becomes Law in PA.

Free Press: Pennsylvania citizens get a raw deal from Rendell on broadband bill.

John Sundman and Friends: PA HB 30 Now Law *sigh*.

Give us your students or you lose your funding

Sharon Shea-Keneally, principal of Mount Anthony Union High School in Bennington, Vermont, was shocked when she received a letter in May from military recruiters demanding a list of all her students, including names, addresses, and phone numbers. The school invites recruiters to participate in career days and job fairs, but like most school districts, it keeps student information strictly confidential. “We don’t give out a list of names of our kids to anybody,” says Shea-Keneally, “not to colleges, churches, employers — nobody.”

But when Shea-Keneally insisted on an explanation, she was in for an even bigger surprise: The recruiters cited the No Child Left Behind Act, President Bush’s sweeping new education law passed earlier this year. There, buried deep within the law’s 670 pages, is a provision requiring public secondary schools to provide military recruiters not only with access to facilities, but also with contact information for every student — or face a cutoff of all federal aid.

Mother Jones: No Child Unrecruited: 12/1/2002

“This is what democracy looks like”

Blackbox voting files lawsuit and serves papers in dramatic way. I can’t wait to see the video from this. Great work Blackbox voting!

I keep saying this, but a few people I know just don’t get it: if you want to make a difference, if something is bothering you and you want to see it change: you need to do it by donating and volunteering your time. Get involved. Step up. Rock on. Just don’t sit there and bitch.

Red state vs blue state thinking will lead nowhere

A hard question to come to grips with: Why do some folks feel the conservative movement embodies the little guy fighting the establishment? It’s an important question. One that the election probably was decided upon.

They thought Bush was the populist (dangerousmeta)! As atrios says: “The modern conservative movement sells itself as ‘a revolt of the little people against a high and mighty liberal elite.’ It feeds on a feeling of victimization and resentment that many ‘red staters’ feel right now. And the ability of the right to play into that feeling of victimization rests on the premise of a divided america: us versus them, red versus blue. There is no reason we have to adopt their framework. It only works to the conservatives’ advantage anyway.”

So we know what not to do. That’s a start. The question remains however.

Vietnam Vet, 53, Called for Duty in Iraq

A 53-year-old Vietnam veteran from western Pennsylvania has been called up for active service with the U.S. military in the Iraq (news – web sites) war, The Tribune Review of Greensburg, Pennsylvania reported on Wednesday.

Paul Dunlap, a sergeant in the Army National Guard, will join an armored division next month as a telecommunications specialist in Kuwait, and expects to be there for at least a year, the newspaper reported.

Dunlap, who has not been in combat since serving as a 19-year-old Marine in Vietnam, could not be reached for comment. He will leave behind his wife Mary, four children and three grandchildren.

Yahoo!: Vietnam Vet, 53, Called for Duty in Iraq-Report: 11/24/2004

Rather Pissed

I’m familiar with the 60 Minutes flap over the fake National Guard memos. I certainly believe Rather and CBS News stepped in it over that one; and I believe they were eager to promote a story that was unflattering to the president. Not like there wasn’t any of that going on against both candidates this past election. But that’s not to say I think it was a good thing to do, it wasn’t.

But none of that irritates me as much as the spectacle of puffed-up, self-important, self-promoting, arrogant little prigs congratulating themselves and celebrating the announcement of Rather’s retirement, all the while heaping scorn upon him in an orgiastic ecstatic exercise in self-justification and mutual masturbation.

Groundhog Day: Rather Pissed: 11/24/2004

I couldn’t have said it better myself.