Bye-bye Buffy

Tonight’s the end. If you haven’t watched the series before I suggest not tuning in since its plot line will leave you spinning. Chuck it up to missing a TV show that when it was bad, it was good, and when it was good, it was great. If you were too stuck up to get past the title – your loss bub.

Two keeper sites: The Buffy Dialog Database, and The Buffy Chords Page (tablature!).

The show has reached its end anyway. Kinda like 90210, it had it’s best footing before it’s characters reached adulthood. In the end I will think of it like I think of the “X-Files”, “Star Trek The Next Generation”, “The Prisoner”, “Doctor Who”, or “Star Blazzers”. It’s just one of those shows ya know? BTW, too many forget that “Xena” came along first. Buffy could only happen after Xena had a strong run for a couple of years. Barrier busters always get forgotten don’t they? At least this Washington Post article mentions Xena briefly.

Salon has a good interview with Joss Whedon. It’s other Buffy related article isn’t worth linking to today. How many times can you read the same things?

Beware clicking any of the links above today if you don’t want to read any spoilers. If you are looking for more linkage, check out Whedonesque.

And you think YOU take gaming too seriously…

The investigation of the cybercafes, also known as “PC bangs” or “cybercafes,” came after a brawl erupted between rival groups playing in a tournament involving the online combat game “Counter Strike.” … One unidentified teenager was shot in the leg on Monday outside an Internet cafe in Northridge, a suburb that is part of Los Angeles. A second youth was struck in the head, reportedly with a chair.

Read the rest at Reuters.

In unrelated news…. the new Reuters design is tailor made to make it my source for news over CNN. Good job Reuters.

Loved by critics, and by fans, misunderstood by family groups

That’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer. How is it that a program that delves into the consequences of sex, violence, and cheep use of power is not better respected by groups like The Parents Television Council? They rated Buffy the third worst family show on TV.

That’s sad. If their critics are simply sitting there, counting instances of so-called explicit material, then that is what it is. A body count. But what of the nightly news when ranking shows in such a fashion?

Buffy’s storylines share a core set of values and themes that a simple, type-of-scene count will miss entirely. These are great for starting discussions on. They include the power of love, taking responsibility for others and yourself, being a leader, realizing your not the center of the universe, finding time for friends and family admist work demands (naw-I’m not kidding-really!), being a misfit yet still belonging, forgiveness, redemption, life, death, and exploring the natures of good and evil.

Christianity Today, in it’s recent article Don’t Let Your Kids Watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer – But you can tape it and watch after they go to bed at least recognizes the quality of the show.

Hatred, vengeance, and witchcraft turned Willow evil, but Xander’s unconditional love showed that no sinner is beyond grace. Moments like this explain why Christians such as myself watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Yep. But watching the show after the kids are asleep can be a missed opportunity. I think if I had children entering that age where these kinds of questions are being asked… well this show provides a great starting point for discussion. No – not for teaching – but for starting discussion. That can be a hard thing to do with just about anyone. And from what I’ve seen, just doesn’t happen enough between parents and kids.

Buffy does all this with plenty of humor, characters that are easy to care about (watch a few shows and I dare you not to relate to one of them), and lots of scary villians. Who could ask for anything more in a TV show?

This post is part of The Buffy Blogburst.

Here go some others to check out:

Silent Running Willow turning to evil and the Arab-Israeli situation?

Charles Kuffner compares Buffy and the Sopranos.

Nick Danger defends the latest season. Probably the darkest yet.

Stacy Sekimori Buffy mp3s.

Kathy shares her Buffy routine.

Again, this post is part of The Buffy Blogburst. Hit the link to get better descriptions, it’s the definitive index, and more posts as the day goes on. Thanks to Meryl for organizing this.

William F. Buckley Jr. takes it to Opie and Anthony and more

I’m with Garret, this William F. Buckley Jr. piece gets close to the point I’ve tried to make.

On similar matters, this resembles a Howard Stern news weblog, if your so inclined.

Also on similar matters, the oft-mentioned Jump The Shark is a fun site.

In more serious news Michael Fraase reports the FCC is trying to finish what it started a few years back – making way for the age of the media empire.

Five reasons ‘Buffy’ gets snubbed by Emmys

It’s a crime I tell ya. CNN, I’m sure, nails it, but that don’t make it right.

Speaking of Buffy, watch out for the Buffy Blog Burst. I will be in this. Should be fun.

Meanwhile, David Brin, sci-fi, and real science research author, comments on Episode II. Man that is alot of deep thinking.

And for more deep thinking it’s Star Wars vs. Spider-Man. common! be fair!

And even more Star Wars related deep thinking – don’t click if you don’t want to be spoiled messge board thread that explains it all.

And for a bit of humor Buffy Calls Dr. Laura. cough.

Speaking of sci-fi… that opens up the conversation to comics… anyone else ever read Lone Wolf and Cub?

Contrary to popular opinion – Vince McMahon isn’t a genius and wrestling’s hayday has passed. It will come around again. It’s just lost it’s way. That article is brought to you by Movie Poop Shoot. Yes. The site from the movie “Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back”. The site is pretty cool. Check it out.

Opie and Anthony canceled – but still paid 30 million bucks

THE folks at Infinity Broadcasting kicked popular shock jocks Opie and Anthony off the air over last month?s St. Patrick?s Cathedral sex scandal, but the company still has to pay their hefty salaries. According to a source close to the canceled talk show, Infinity bigwigs can?t figure out how to get out of their reported three-year, $30 million contract with Greg ?Opie? Hughes and Anthony Cumia without having to pay them a king?s ransom. ?Everyone?s still on the payroll,? the tipster tells PAGE SIX?s Ian Spiegelman. Even comic Jim Norton, an O&A staple, is still receiving regular paychecks while lawyers for both sides try to hammer out details about how to part ways. If it goes to court, Infinity will surely claim the company had sufficient cause to cancel the show after Hughes and Cumia broadcast a blow-by-blow description of a couple having sex at St. Pat?s as part of their ?Sex for Sam? contest. But Opie and Anthony can argue that every detail of the contest was approved by company brass before the segment aired. An Infinity rep declined to comment, while the jocks? agent did not return calls.

NYDaily News.

What was it I was saying?