Indeed, indeed

Dj: Consistency:

    Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago

For many years, I’ve been a consistency freak in both in matters or religion and software development. I think the past few years have changed my attitude when it comes to religion. I think the past few hours have changed my attitude when it comes to software development.

I’m beginning to think that being as good as you can be is more important than being as consistent as you can be. So why does this change bother me so much? Probably pride, which is ultimately the only sin.

Some hubris can be a good thing, but pride always gets in the way. Poison’s relationships, band lineups (heh), your capacity to learn, the threat of being called inconsistent is a danger for anyone in public serivce (damn flip-flopper!), not to mention it seems the start of most wars (my dick is bigger – or must be bigger – then your dick). Hate the sin and not the sinner. Pride is a bug.

Saturday was the 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision on Roe verses Wade

The Alito confirmation continues and soon women may lose the right to a safe abortion.

Yesterday, Marisa posted one of the most courageous pieces I’ve read on the web. It’s as as one of her commenters said: “It’s stories like these that make Roe vs. Wade so valuable. No woman should EVER die from an illegal abortion in this country ever again no matter what one’s religions views may be.” Read it. Pass it on.

Persistence and “grit”: It’s always about the fight

From my quote file: Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933):

Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination are omnipotent. The slogan press on has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.

Turns out there is some truth to this. Via Garret, comes a Philadelphia Inquirer story about a Penn researcher who says it isn’t I.Q., grades or talent that lead to success – “It’s good, old-fashioned stick-to-itiveness.”:

“It’s not like you could be stupid, but if you didn’t have the necessary drive and determination to overcome obstacles and set high standards for yourself, then you weren’t going to make it,” he says.

But Simonton thinks Duckworth’s grit studies are interesting on two fronts. She’s looking at contemporary achievers, rather than dead geniuses, and she’s developed a grit scale, which attempts to measure the determination they show.

Robert J. Sternberg, a Yale University psychology professor who directs the school’s Center for the Psychology of Abilities, Competencies and Expertise, believes that schools don’t emphasize nonintellectual qualities – like grit – enough. “There’s a really serious disconnect between the way we prepare kids for leadership positions in society, for life as an adult, and what you actually have to do to get there,” he says.

Not that parents always do the job either. Some try to protect their kids from failure or frustration. “In the course of your life, you encounter a lot of blows, some of them quite awful,” Sternberg says, “and if you don’t learn how to overcome those obstacles, you’re at a disadvantage.”

My personal story is a real world example. It’s one of the reasons why I believe no matter how lost some may think some are – there is always hope.

Don’t let anyone’s put downs or discouragement, your background or history, keep you from fighting for your dreams. It’s always about the fight.

I’m definitely ramping up to join the local folks who’ve shared their views on faith and politics. Not being an eloquent writer makes it difficult – it’s complicated to think about – let alone write about – but the conversation, I think, is important.

A small linkarama

To read later today: Paul Graham: How to do what you love: I am sooo close. Software engineering and publishing are extremely interrelated. via Slashdot.

Speaking of that, we have a new featured blog at Philly Future, this time we took a public poll! We’re going to expand upon the idea down the line.

Jeff Jarvis: The ethic of interactivity: Democracy and discussion are messy, like life.… tell me about it!

The new Performancing for Firefox is out.

Blogs I wish I knew about before, but am happy to read now:

Bill Burnham’s Beat – whose A Unified Theory of Search, Social Networking, Structured Blogging, RSS and the Active Web, and his previous The Walled Garden “Hit List” verify much of my thinking for where – all this – is going. I’m really enjoying reading his blog. It’s great to read someone of similar opinion. I’m kinda different that way.. usually looking for opposing minds to expand my point of view, but in this case – well, I’ll allow myself this once.

Publishing 2.0 – Recent sampling of : Who Are the New Media Gatekeepers?, Blogging to a Higher Standard, Is there Hope for Content Brands. Don’t agree with everything he posts, however, it’s thought provoking and Jeff Jarvis now has some company.

And gapingvoid. How the hell I miss Hugh MacCleod all these years?!?

I need to get some business cards and some t-shirts. Mr. McNulty‘s rock.

How do you handle this?

Lets say you have a friend, one you have a rough history with to be sure, but was once a friend nevertheless, and everytime you reach your hand out, it gets bitten off? That to continue to reach out is to be subjected to put-downs and insults. That your every move is judged as a negative one and an attack – that this very post will be regarded as one – when all you are doing is reaching out?

Well what do you do? I know what my other friends have suggested – and I’ve tried to do otherwise. I’ve tried to build a bridge. Cause that’s what I believe in doing. I’m a bridge builder.

But when the dude keeps blowing it up… well damn. It’s just depressing. Have I just allowed myself to be used? Again and again?

Makes my heart sink.

Talk about a culture shift….

Ten years ago there were rumors, whispers, ideas shared here and there about what’s going on now. If you brought them up, even in knowledgable conversation, out side of geekier circles, well you’d be considered little more than a conspiracy-nut or someone who’s spent too much time facing screen glow.

Some geeks have long shared their concerns about how the net works, the deal we are making by sharing so much of ourselves online, the web’s push towards transparency of all things, and the existence of such systems as Eschelon. So hearing some folks telling others to calm down, like Seth or Cringely, is to be expected. This is the same as it ever was right? No biggie.

The awareness of all this is now mainstream. That should amount to….something. However, it seems that there is a complete lack of shock, and lack of outrage. Indeed, among those I’ve talked, their response to me isn’t to question whether I’m a conspiracy-nut – after all – this stuff is real – it’s to question – you don’t have anything to hide do you?

Well I’d say no. From 1996 to now I’ve shared almost everything I can imagine on the web. Well close to it.

Something Scott said to me yesterday has a ring of truth to it – privacy was a temporary phenomenon – 100 years ago it didn’t really exist. Maybe we’re just cycling back to an older social norm. Maybe he’s right. And maybe we’re better off for it. But then again…