JavaWorld: Art of Java Web development: WebWork. An older article (2003) worth revisiting…
Related: JavaWorld: Web apps in a snap (2003)
JavaWorld: Art of Java Web development: WebWork. An older article (2003) worth revisiting…
Related: JavaWorld: Web apps in a snap (2003)
Python development with Eclipse and Ant. I gotta try this…
Me and some co-workers had the pleasure of attending No Fluff, Just Stuff’s Atlantic Northeast Software Symposium. If you get the chance to attend one of their events, I highly recommend it.
Since I’m posting more on blogging and politics at Philly Future, I’m probably going to re-orient my homepage back to personal matters. That means technology, music, movies, and anything else that gets me jumping. I know I said I’d do this before, but the last few days I just couldn’t keep pace at both sites. Too much going on and you got to keep priorities straight.
Jesse James Garrett used to maintain a list of bloggers he read, and it was nice seeing myself there. Early homesteaders we were.
Jason Sweeney’s killers have finally been convicted. And I have something to say for those arguing for the death penalty.
Shelley Powers says that “good things don’t come to you: you have to go find them, make them, or grab them when they hurry past”. Damn straight.
She’s joining Kottke and others who are exploring ways to make a living from their blogs. The great thing is just how in the open she is doing this. Hopefully we can learn by her experience and what she shares.
More at Slashdot.
Oh, and I got it, I’ve seen it, and it really is Dr. Who! At least as great as Peter Davidson. At least. He’s my second favorite by the way. Tied with Pertwee.
More at Philly Future.