I’ve been looking forward to this

Tonight I finally get a chance to meet a bunch of great folks I’ve been talking to and working with over the past few years (ok… months in this iteration of the site!).

I think we have something special here in Philly. Every day I get surprised at some new discovery, some new point of view. We’re a small bunch in comparison to other cities, but we have so much talent. So much passion. So much fun… We’re growing everyday and sooner or later the mass media will be forced to take notice.

We probably have the greatest concentration of Democratic/liberal blogs that can be found anywhere. But that’s just one way of looking at us online. Among us are terrific writers, technologists, pundits, lawyers, musicians, artists, doctors, teachers, journalists and more. All sides of the political spectrum. We are connecting across neighborhoods and across counties. We’re diverse. We’re communicating.

That counts for something. What? Well we’re all still trying to figure that out right?

Our Philly Blogger meetup is starting small at a pub, but I’m knocking on doors and calling in favors. I’m sure soon we’ll have events that will go beyond your average get together and may resemble something closer to a user group or an association. Along the way I hope Philly Future can become a shared resource for the region. Special thanks to our growing team and what they are helping accomplish.

I hope these meetings empower us. To learn from each other. To help one another. To share with one another. To form new friendships in our community that might not have come before.

After all – that’s what blogging is about.

Better, Faster, Lighter, Java

I saw Justin Gehtland speak over the weekend at the NFJS event and was so impressed I went out and bought “Better, Faster, Lighter Java”, a book he helped write. I’m really enjoying it so far. It’s reinforcing beliefs I already have and giving me an additional tool to explain to others these beliefs 🙂 Granted, it’s a high level book and deals more with concepts then specifics – but that’s aok with me – that’s what search engines are for.

Here goes a presentation by Bruce Tate on the book and the concepts it presents to fight bloat and complexity.

Good stuff. Highly recommended.