Hope you had a nice Valentines Day

Richelle Sweetems HeartI don’t like Valentine’s Day. Every day should be one that you celebrate your loved one. But still… I know I’m a blessed man to have the wife I have. Far too many I know sacrifice their families for their career, so this stupid day grows in importance for them as they try and make up for time lost. You can’t. You can’t make up time lost. For us, it’s just another day. Albeit with flowers 🙂 Love ya sweetie.

BTW Philly Bloggers do it better. Couldn’t resist.

I’m Jealous

We need something like this in Philadelphia: Triangle Bloggers Conference 2005 in Blog Together.

Rafe, in particular, got me jealous 🙂

Sad thing is, my work doesn’t involve blogging. What I do with Philly Future is entirely volunteer in nature. So to pull off a similar event would take resources far beyond what I have. But if anyone would like to help kick something like this off – I’m in.