More year end reflections, resolutions, predictions

I, Cringely makes his predictions for 2003.

NYTimes: The Idea Was Not to Have a New OneThe year in entertainment. Decries the formula approach everyone seemed to be trodding down. But hidden deep in the article… “Teen pop ? the apotheosis of shallow, overprocessed, image-driven music ? is clearly on the way out, giving way to more R & B, hip-hop and old-fashioned rock; Britney Spears has already been replaced as girl of the moment by the punkette Avril Lavigne.”

IWantMedia: Top Media Stories of 2002

Good News Magazine: What is your calling?. Another good read. via Dave King.

Yahoo!: Music sales again down in 2002. Reuters: Rap and Country dominated the year.

PC-World: Top Tech News 2002Good one.

Mark Pilgrim, after analyzing his logs, calls 2002 the year of the news aggregator.

Mark Gardner, Rafe Colburn reflect more on What Should I Do With My Life?.

Dave Rogers posts about not letting what makes you comfortable keep you from moving forward.

Some links for myself…

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Teaching

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Teaching Postsecondary

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Social Scientists

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Musicians, Singers, and Related Workers

Occupational Outlook Handbook: Tomorrow’s Jobs

Recruiting New Teachers, Inc.

So You Wanna: …be a teacher?

The Pennsylvania Department of Education

School District of Philadelphia

Temple’s College of Education

History Matters

Peter N. Stearns: Why Study History?

William H. McNeill: Why Study History?

American Historical Association: Why Become A Historian?

The American Council on Education

Who Gets Hired To Teach

What to expect your first year of teaching

Resolutions, goals, new years hopes and dreams

Happy New Year Folks. Here goes some New Years thoughts from fellow webloggers.

Garret publishes a great Mark Twain quote.

Cameron Barrett is still on weblogging hiatus till he figures out what to do with his life. Check out that article folks.

Rafe Colburn reflects on the above article. I agree with him.

Oliver Willis is hoping for some intelligence.

Shelley urges us on to look to the new year with hope.

Jonathan Delacour posts his resolutions, inspired by Mark Pilgrim’s terse, straight to the point list.

Dave Winer has decided upon a new direction for his life and I want wish him well.

Bill posts a poem that’s one to read.