Two good JavaPro articles

Almost All Java Web Apps Need Model 2

You use Model 1, which is page-centric, for simple applications or if you want to get something done quickly. Applications implementing this model have a series of JSP pages where the user proceeds from one page to another. This is the model you always employ when you first learn JSP because it’s simple and easy. The main problem with Model 1 applications is that they’re hard to maintain and not flexible. In addition, this architecture does not promote the division of labor between the page designer and the Web developer because the developer is involved in both the page development and business objects coding.

Cofax is a Model 2 application

Using Hashtables in Java

Good article. Doesn’t emphasize enough the performance benefits of unsynchronized HashMaps over HashTables though. I agree that you should probably use HashMaps in all cases where you don’t know up front you need synchronization – which has a performance penalty attached to it.

On the Church Crisis – two questions

Oh my… I asked Kathy Shaidle blogger extraordinare of two questions and she’s linked to me.

I am confused, saddened and angry by all of this. Bottom line – the people responsible should be in jail. And a policy should be in place to make sure nothing like this ever occurs again.

That raises two basic questions:

1. If people went straight to the police and not the Church – wouldn’t there never be a chance for coverup?

2. If the church simply deferred people to the police to report the crime – and it *is* a crime – wouldn’t there never be a chance for coverup?

This is a criminal matter. These are horrific crimes. Don’t those two questions cut to the core? They are bugging me. Maybe I am oversimplifing.

Update I’m definately oversimplfying. I apologize. Please read my comments for alice-d’s post.

Save the Sameric

Read this Daily News story on the efforts to save the Sameric – center city’s last old-style movie theatre.

It holds a special place in my heart – I saw Return of the Jedi there cutting school one day.