Boycott the Emmys!

Look man… they have yet to give Buffy the Vampire Slayer what it deserves.

They’re fake. They’re phony. They’re stuck up bullshit.

The show has rocked, and continues to rock with not just humor or attractive stars, but powerful story lines dealing with redemption, forgiveness, death, responsibility, and the consequences of using power – or not using it.

Last season was great. But after seeing most of season two again – well I’m never allowing that stupid ass awards ceremony to be played in my house ever again. Never.

Fuck the Oscars too for their treatment of Jim Carrey. The Truman Show deserved something.

And don’t get me started on the Grammys.

Stupid awards shows. Boycott the Emmys!

I see that Meryl’s a fan too.

This concludes Karl’s stupid meaningless rant for today.

Suits Say Wal-Mart Forces Workers to Toil Off the Clock

Story at Yahoo!

Some days, as soon as she walked in a manager told her to rush to a cash register and start ringing up purchases, without clocking in. Sometimes, she said, she worked for three hours before clocking in.

“They wanted us to do a lot of work for no pay,” said Ms. Richardson, who worked from 1995 to 2000 at a Wal-Mart in southeast Kansas City. “A company that makes billions of dollars doesn’t have to do that.”

Don’t think this is limited to Wal-Mart.