Why Mozilla sticks with Gecko over WebKit

arstechnica.com: Why Mozilla is committed to Gecko as WebKit popularity grows:

From a technical perspective, Gecko is now very solid and no longer lags behind WebKit. A testament to the rate at which Gecko has been improving is its newfound viability in the mobile space, where it was practically considered a nonstarter not too long ago. Mozilla clearly has the resources, developer expertise, and community support to take Gecko anywhere that WebKit can go.

It’s also worth noting that some of Gecko’s unique and seemingly idiosyncratic features are becoming useful to third-party adopters. There are a growing number of applications being built on top of the Mozilla platform that leverage XUL with impressive results.

BTW – Songbird is pretty darn cool and I can’t wait to see it reach 1.0.

2 thoughts on “Why Mozilla sticks with Gecko over WebKit

  1. Great read. I am still not sure how XUL and Gecko are related/coupled. I thought XUL was windowing and Gecko was html rendering. So in theory I thought you could swap Gecko with Webkit couldnt u?

  2. That’s a good question Arpit – I don’t know the answer without diving deeper into Gecko and XUL (which I’ve been wanting to do for a long while), like I mentioned – check out Songbird 🙂

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