Where have conservatives gone?

Atrios says the news today is a test, because anyone that claims to stand for the principals of conservatism should be up in arms over it.

Well here’s California Conservative: Homeland Security: Spies & Lies:If eavesdropping on our thrilling telephone conversations, listening to us rant about politics or use vulgar epithets in reference to certain public officials, is required to prevent another 9/11, “bring it on.” We got nothing to hide. Who does?

Is this the real face of conservatism these days? Is the party of small government is now the party of big brother? The next few days will be telling.

Anyway, make sure to read the Washington Post: Bush Authorized Domestic Spying and the NYTimes: Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts.

It’s not like folks didn’t suspect this wasn’t the case already, but why did it take so long for it to be reported? Will Bunch has a theory.