I hate ‘stop energy’

I have a bit of a broader definition then Dave Winer who coined the term: Stop Energy is not reasoned, it never takes into account the big picture, it is the mirror image of Forward Motion. In the Stop Energy model, everyone, no matter how small their stake in a technology, has the power to veto. Nothing ever gets done, and people who want to move forward are frustrated in every attempt to move. Unfortunately, Stop Energy is the rule, not the exception.

Stop Energy, to me, is defined by one or more persons using fear, uncertainty and doubt to draw energy from one or more persons attempting something positive – especially when there is room for more than one effort or approach – and especially when solutions are not agreed upon.

That’s what I saw spring up in response to Structured Blogging‘s announcement of plugins for WordPress and Moveable Type. There maybe interesting arguments as to why it might not fly – but in this instance – the only way to find is by trying.

I’m biased of course. I think microformats and ideas similar will enable community empowering tools in the future. So I think the work of Shelley Powers and others holds a lot of promise. I can’t wait to experiment honestly.