Thanks and apologies

Thanks to Dave for linking to me. I think his visible link drove a bunch of new people here yesterday and it became a link fest! I made DayPop! That’s like…blogging big-time 🙂 Thanks to all those that liked the story and linked to it. Man I got fooled! Not sure if that’s the way you want to make a first impression on DayPop.

I’d like to give a word of support for Dave and Rogi who are both battling with their nicotine addictions. You guys give me hope.

2 thoughts on “Thanks and apologies

  1. Thanks man. 🙂

    Gotta say that the first week was the hardest for me (I’m not using any nicotine replacement things – I spoke to top military medics and they universally said that cold turkey is the only way), second week was still bad, but bearable, this (third) week is pretty bad again. Dunno if Dave’s having the same experience. But we’ll get there in the end…heck they are only fecking ciggies aren’t they! Screw them. 🙂

    Cheers, 🙂

  2. I second that. The first week is hard, after that it gets a lot easier. There’s a lot of hype out there about how hard it is to quit. I think that’s a tobacco industry conspiracy. Think about it. How hard would it be to plant that rumor? Not too hard. Now that said, I’ve had about two dozen automatic subconscious pings for a smoke just in the last hour. But they’re not life threatening. I just keep typing. It’s funny how the brain works without nicotine. It’s not much different from the way it works with nicotine.

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