Vacation reading, it’s all Groovy

Groovy: Embedding Groovy

Groovy: Groovy Beans

Groovy: Groovy and JMX

Groovy: Using Spring Factories with Groovy

Groovy: Dynamic language beans in Spring

JavaWorld: Creating DSLs in Java, Part 1: What is a domain-specific language?

JavaWorld: Creating DSLs in Java, Part 2: Fluency and context

JavaWorld: Creating DSLs in Java, Part 3: Internal and external DSLs

JavaWorld: Creating DSLs in Java, Part 4: Where metaprogramming matters

IBM developerWorks: Functional programming in the Java language

IBM developerWorks: alt.lang.jre: Feeling Groovy

IBM developerWorks: Practically Groovy: Stir some Groovy into your Java apps

IBM developerWorks: Practically Groovy: Unit test your Java code faster with Groovy

IBM developerWorks: Practically Groovy: Reduce code noise with Groovy

IBM developerWorks: In pursuit of code quality: Programmatic testing with Selenium and TestNG

Groovy Zone: GroovyShell and memory leaks


Code To Joy: Zen and Groovy’s Expando

Code To Joy: Simply Groovy (How to gain Competitive Advantage on Weiqi Gao’s Friday Java Quiz)

Code To Joy: Groovy’s -e and friends: The Command Line for Java Developers

Code To Joy: Groovy 201: How to Win a Bar Bet on Copy-Paste

Code To Joy: myTunes: Groovy and JFugue

Code To Joy: JFugue and The Charm of Computing

Code To Joy: Zero to RMI with Groovy and Spring

A Public Scratchpad: The Future of Groovy Interoperability?

Test Early: Spring’s so Groovy

Spring documentation: Chapter 24. Dynamic language support

JavaBeat: Integrating Spring and Groovy

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