In software engineering we have a concept called ‘Duck Typing’. Basically, some languages trust developers more so than others (lets say Python versus Java), and you can trust that if an object ‘walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck’.
You end up writing far less code due to the trust you have that things are what they appear to be.
In this year’s Presidential campaign, you have a candidate that looks like a normal Joe, walks like a normal Joe, and talks like a normal Joe, but whose income is anything but. Warren Buffet explains the credit crisis to Charlie Rose
FREE FOR ALL! the movie – watch it online. Roger Ebert’s review.
Andrew Sullivan: Confronting Racism Against Obama (Powerful video)
NYTimes: Tom Davis Gives Up
YouTube: SNL VP Debate (via akkamsrazor) 5 Friends Uncensored – Don’t Vote Bob Dylan: A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall