These past few weeks have been some of the most intense I can recall. This week will be especially huge.
1. I’ve been helping migrate two web sites of a local non-profit’s to a new host. Down the road I will be assisting them to learn how to use the web effectively and building an online community around the good work they do.
2. I was backed into a wall with Dreamhost and had to migrate four personal sites and Philly Future to a new host.
3. This week will culminate in two huge events: the first an unconference this Saturday to bring together a group of thinkers, movers and shakers in online publishing and in local newspapers, to discuss the future of local journalism, in the wake of what’s happening to the newspaper industry. It’s been months in the making. Will Bunch, of the Philadelphia Daily News, has got the goods. I’ll have more to add later. The second, this Sunday, family will be coming to our place for Emma’s Baptism.
4. Speaking of Emma, I’ve gone back to work, and handling the division of responsibility between Richelle and me has left me feeling spent and guilty. It sucks leaving Emma everyday, and it bothers me the huge load Richelle has taken on. We went from a 50/50 split to something more like 85/15. I have no idea how single parents do it. No idea at all.
Emma has not only effected how and what I prioritize in my life, but has helped me to see what’s really important. She’s helped me find my Zen.
The split in childcare responsibilities is likely to shift over the years, back and forth, several times. (Think math homework and soccer practice). As long as both of you are pulling your weight in whatever your assigned tasks are, that’s all the matters. There will be more than enough things for you to feel guilty about over the years, cut yourself slack wherever you can.