Serious props for Philly Future

This is a duplicate of what I posted at PF this morning

Jay Rosen calls for a new crew to shake up discussions on citizen’s journalism and includes yours truely. I’m blown away and very flattered. After all, I’m not sure I could go to these panels – unless I could take you all with me 🙂

To repeat a point I made in his discussion thread:

We are seeing the onset of a real tipping point: the technological barriers to trying out efforts along these lines have come down to where hobbyists, those that want to experiment, and those with a passion they need to satisfy, can do so with little expense or expertise.

Bryght, for example, can make available to anyone with $39.95 a month the very same communication/publishing capabilities as Philly Future. Bryght provides you with a version of Drupal that is similar to what Philly Future runs (CivicSpace). Roland Tanglao, their “Chief Blogging Officer” calls these sites Web 2.0 sites.

I’d duplicate Jay Rosen’s linkage to the other great sites and people he mentioned here, but I need to be off to work! (I will do so later)

Until then read his article and browse those sites! The discussion is important. Those other sites are trailblazers that you should know about. I’m honored that we are mentioned among them.