Related: Wired: The New Old Journalism: “it’s not the medium, it’s the reporter.”
Related: Microsoft Small Business: How to make money from your blog: “Many of the people who write blogs today simply want to share their opinion on something. But then there are the business-minded folks, who have found a way to use blogs, or Web logs, to bring in a little extra cash too.”
Hello to the king of Philly Future. Thank you for your continued effort on the site. I have found many interesting blogs to read on the blogroll.
I am writing to ask you to change the URL and title of my site. (again) I decided to delete Phillies’ Jessica due to my desire to start fresh. My new site is simply called Jessika’s Journal
and I hope that you will include it on your blogroll when you have time.
Oh, and thank you for the sympathetic entry regarding the loss of my mother. I appreciated it very much.
Will do Jessica.
I don’t know how I will handle losing my mom when that day comes. God bless.
Thank you, Karl! 😉