Pennsylvania House and Senate passed HB 30 – Phone Governor’s Office

I rarely do these things – tell people to call governors to tell them to veto bills – but this one is really important. The Pennsylvania Senate passed House Bill 30 which prohibits municipalities from delivering telecommunications services for compensation if it competes with private enterprise. The bill is now awaiting signature by Governor Rendell but he has grave reservations about the proposed law and won’t sign it unless significant revisions are made, notably to the prohibition on municipalities offering telecoms services.

Tell the Gov you don’t want this bill to become law and tell him they’ve got to take that section banning munis from offering telecoms services. It’s not that I think munis should be offering these types of services, rather I believe they should have the option of doing so, especially where there is a duopoly (one cable and one DSL operator).

Telephone Governor Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania at (717) 787-2500.

Note: Although House Bill 30 has been in the works for a year, the most restrictive language was added in only last week. In essence it says that we, the people, through our duly elected representatives, have to ask Verizon (or any other private telecoms provider) for permission to set up an alternative network. Doesn’t anyone find this appalling? Once upon a time, it was the other way around – private companies had to ask our elected officials for permission to dig streets, set up electric poles, build roads, etc.

Muniwireless: Pennsylvania Senate Passes House Bill 30: Call the Governor: 11/20/2004