Kerry wins the last and final debate

Who explained his positions better? Who was closer to the silent majority in this country who only speak during elections? Who looked Presidential? Who talked policy instead of attempting to sling mud and labels? Kerry. The polls are coming in and they agree with me. Bush now seems like an Osama Bin Laden denyer. He can’t help but lie to cover his tracks in his failure to bring him in. Next thing you know he will say that Bin Laden never attacked us and that Saddam did.

One thing that made me cheer was Kerry’s explaination of the role faith plays in his life and his views on homosexual marriage and abortion. “We are all God’s children.” Refreshing. There are those who use religion as a tool to point fingers at others and tell them to change. There are those who use religion to look in the mirror to ask “what is it I should do?”.

And like Garret, Ritalin did come to mind in watching Bush’s new demeanor.

One thought on “Kerry wins the last and final debate

  1. The spin begins.

    Whether it was both Kerry and Bush wearing the same neck ties. The camera’s panning in on Bush to make him look taller. Or that little crust on the corner of Bush’s lower lip. Or maybe Bush was pretending that the glass of water Jack Daniels as he pounded it down, or maybe it was the hand pounding on the podium. Make no mistake, Bush lost last night. And from my armchair I have Kerry winning all of the debates 3-0. is in serious denial and I think they pulled their polls out of their asses. Also notice how most websites aren’t polling with the question “Who won lasts nights debate?” has Bush getting stomped. And I don’t believe has a poll (at least as I type this) of who won.

    Kerry once again, stayed cool calm and collected. His facts seemed on for the most part and he stayed on course while answering the questions.

    I also think the moderator did a great job of reinging in Bush when he went over his time limits.

    There are 19 days till the election and expect all the stops to be pulled out.

    People as you read the news hearing that the election is a dead tie, or very close. Don’t believe it. Kerry is about to win by a landslide.

    Unmentioned are the swarms of new voters who know what they have to do November 2nd. And let it be known WE will turn this nation around.

    We will regain the respect we’ve lost around the world. We will take back our country. And we will prevail.

    Do your duty to this country if you are registered to vote. Make sure you VOTE. Get in line and cast your vote. Get into that booth and do the right thing. Pull that lever and clean out that white house. Also, don’t forget to vote on the congress and senate contests. Kerry will need a democratic controlled house to get things done.

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