The difference

Both are tales from long ago and both are related to Vietnam, but the documentary evidence in the two cases is like night and day. In the Swift Boat case, practically every new piece of documentary evidence indicates that Kerry’s accusers are lying. Conversely, in the National Guard case, practically every new piece of documentary evidence provides additional confirmation that the charges against Bush are true.

Kevin Drum: 09-09-2004

One thought on “The difference

  1. Big old PR distraction. Keep people looking at something else while ignoring the real issues.

    If I see one more of Bush’s handlers come out and spew more of that garbage like they’ve done all along I think I’m going to puke.

    Bush was AWOL. Plain and simple. Kerry, well at least he was there. End of story.

    I think the issues are being side stepped.
    Education, Jobs, Healthcare, The WAR on Peace.

    How can anybody who is a millionaire make critical decisions for the masses that make far less than they do. I don’t think it will matter much because which ever one of these two guys you vote for they’ll still be rich, and you’ll still be struggling.

    The poor stay poor, while the rich stay rich.
    – Queensryche, (Spreading the descease – Off of Operation MindCrime)

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