Keep your chin up

Rafe is concerned that the damage wrought by the Bush campaign connected Swift Boat Veterans for Slander will be too much to overcome for Kerry. He thinks that Kerry should not have responded so directly.

While I think Kerry is usually better off by staying above the slime being thrown, President Clinton thinks otherwise. His advice is for him to fight back hard. Kerry can’t let Bush’s flunkies define him the way they defined Gore. Who am I to argue with President Clinton? Along these lines, this new advertisement is very effective.

The truth is beginning to be outed, with newspapers leading the way.

I think, especially because of the times we are in, it’s our job as bloggers to help the cause of truth. Over at Daily Kos they are noting that a blowback is starting to grow. Hopefully bloggers can add some momentum to it. These tactics shouldn’t be tolerated.

One thing you can do is join me in signing a petition for Bush to publicly condemn these lies.

President Bush – call off your dogs. Get back to the issues. And explain why you are qualified to deal with them. If you can.