Happy Valentines Day

Vincent James, in his 30s, a man who left a good job as a software engineer at Boeing, a man with four children, has thrown his career and paycheck to the wind. He is determined to make a living writing and singing love songs. His heart is filled with them. He believes the world needs them. To draw attention to himself, to show his resolve, he vowed to perform 100 times between New Year’s Day and Valentine’s Day.

Read the rest in The Philadelphia Inquirer.

“Flowers are nice. Candy is, too. But nothing makes a heart melt like words and a simple tune.” Yep. Read the rest in the CSMonitor.

For something light hearted today, check out Peter David’s weblog and his review of the latest Buffy and Angel. It’s great to see a sci-fi writer doing a weblog. It’s been done before, but this guy is actually posting some interesting things. Check out his comments threads! I may try a book of his.

And hey – you’d be completely justified in hating this day. We should always let our loved ones know we love them, not just on designated holidays! I have flashbacks to sixth grade almost every Valentine’s day. It was the year I was at my geekiest. It was one of the longest days in my, then, very short life. Seeing the cards the other kids were getting and feeling down because my couple just didn’t stack up. Pathetic ehh? I learned soon after that you should never judge your life by how well you think others may have it. The grass ain’t greener no matter what your heart maybe saying. This year I’m blessed, so it’s easy for me to have clarity of thought. But I don’t forget where I came from, and I recognize how blessed I am everyday. You hate Valentine’s? Good for you! I can’t blame ya one little bit. Grrrr arg.

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