More on the election and some on Philly

The Rittenhouse Review says it’s time for Democrats to take Republicans seriously. He lays a good smack down on certain misguided Libertarians as well. Check out his collection of perspectives on the election while you’re at it.

Glenn Frazier says that running on the economy was the wrong platform. I repectfully disagree with my fellow Philly blogger. Did you honestly hear any ideas for fixing the economy? There was finger pointing. I think we agree on this – It’s the ideas that count. Not political bickering. If there were ideas, they didn’t get thru. Contrast with Rendell who put something on the table.

Eric Raymond says the Dems have been victims of their own postmodern politics. I disagree with a lot here, but he makes some thought provoking points.

Garret says the Dems need some new blood. I agree.

I know how you feel Bill 🙂

Three Philly bloggers and two ex-Jersey guys. Not bad at all.

The Inquirer reports that Rendell won by Republicans voting for him in key districts. A politician that appeals across party lines. Imagine that! The Inquirer explains how. The also posted Rendell’s first post election interview.

The Urban Warrior makes a call to arms to sell our city.