Meet my new guitar

I don’t normally share this kinda stuff, but Saturday I finally spent money on an electric guitar. Up till now, all I’ve bought were second (probably third) hand, and they were each bought in desperation – so I really didn’t choose as I’d like – I just settled.

I’m not a good guitar player – I’ve always treated it as a means to an end – to write and play songs and just have fun. Somehow I always end up playing lead and I gotta admit… an hour of guitar a day keeps the doldrums away. There is nothing like leaning into bent D or slaming down a F# power chord – it fills the heart with joy.

Rittenhouse Review is covering some great American catfights. Well that reminds me of the age old question – Gibson Les Paul or Fender Stratocaster?

Who would a thunk it? I’m a Fender guy! I swore when I began this I was gonna end up with a ‘Paul, and for the past few weeks I’ve tried just about everything, but this guitar… wow. Nothing came close to being as versatile tone-wise (Iron Maiden to clean blues licks.) or as kick ass to play. It’s a Fender Hot Rodded American Texas Fat Strat Special with a maple neck. The pic to the side isn’t entirely accurate – I have a rear humbucker and 22 frets. Having a guitar that begs you to pick it up makes a difference 🙂

9 thoughts on “Meet my new guitar

  1. Thanks guys.

    Hey Bill – you keep that guitar man. Someday, possibly many years from now, you will plug that thing in and it will make you smile. What kinda amp you got?

  2. I think my hands are getting arthritic and that has stopped me from playing much the last few years. At least, the hands hurt after playing only 10-15 minutes.

    Plus, I have another guitar that is fine for once or twice a year. Seriously, this thing is going on eBay soon.

  3. My friend Mike plays a Line6. Very nice amp. Lots of flexibility. Are you sure about your hands? That has *always* scared me. Is it possible you’re fingers are just alittle outta shape?

    A telecaster is a Spingsteen guitar? Isn’t that like your holy grail?

    I’m thinking of getting one of those pignoses too Garret. They are too cool. I was surprised at how unconfortable the ‘Paul was to play though – well at least how it fit up against my body. It is soooo heavy.

    Hey Cash, as far as amps for accoustic – I have no friggin’ idea. A small Fender combo is probably just the ticket though. I use a Deluxe 112 Plus. It’s loud. Real loud. If I remember right I played it up against CJ’s Marshall stacks and it held up nicely. Both my accoustic and my electrics sound wonderful thru it.

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