Flesh and blood, not ones and zeros

I wonder how Shelley is. It’s been around seven days since her last post. She did say she is gonna take a road trip. I can be such a worry wart.

When you get the chance you want to read Bill’s The Fear. Excellent fun story. Cool seeing it posted one chapter at a time.

Looks like The Phoenix Trap were on the radio. Congrats to yas!

Now this post is going to go many different ways. Try and keep up.

Meryl points to an example of cliques and the web, “I feel like I’m in high school again, watching the kids in the cliques ignore everyone but the members of their own cliques.” Boy, a scan what’s occured these past few days in the blogosphere just reinforces that.

Dawn Olson is apologizing. Think about it.

Speaking of growing up, check out this thread at BlogRoots covering weblogs and Libel. Looks like, as Rebecca Blood says, “anyone who wishes to be accorded the protections of a professional journalist should be prepared to go further than this, following established journalistic ethical and professional practices: you can’t decide that you’re a journalist only when it’s convenient to be one.”

That’s deep.

After you’re done thinking about these things, and much more importantly, say a prayer for Dean and his wife.

This leads me back to my weekend. A huge one in many different ways. A funeral, a surprise birthday party (thank you!), a walk to fight against SIDS, and the anniversary of Hunter’s passing.

Flesh and blood. Not these ones and zeroes. People matter. Life matters.

Hopefully I am growing up. Becoming less of an asshole. “I’ve been learning how to live my life, learning when to pick my fights. Take my shots while I’m still burning.” Yeah. I guess that’s what it’s all about. Keepin’ what’s important at the center of your life and ignoring the signal noise that distracts you from it.

2 thoughts on “Flesh and blood, not ones and zeros

  1. You kinda get a sense of posting pattern. She’s taken breaks before… but this seems somehow different. I editted my post. You do make a good point. I can be a worry wart.

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