Reading both sides of the debate

Too much ‘us vs. them’ Too many people claiming the left or the right has all the power and influence. Too many people feeling supressed when obviously they are not since they can post whatever the feel like it out here.

Lots and lots of hypocracy.

Read both sides of the debate.

The Far Left

The Nation

The Democratic Left

The American Prospect

The New Democrats

New Democrats Online (my bias stands here)

The New Republicans

The New Republic (doesn’t quite fit – where does this one go? Is this a magazine at the absolute center?)
Bull Moose Republicans (sometimes my bias stands here too)

The Republican Right

The National Review Online
The Weekly Standard

The Far Right

Now most of the blogs I visit fall into one of these categories. A wide mix. Most link to like blogs not even recognizing the existance of the other side except as the enemy.

A real blog service would be someone covering the news from both sides of the story. But I don’t have the time.

Where do you fall in this spectrum? Be honest.

5 thoughts on “Reading both sides of the debate

  1. Ah-Ha! Nice to find a fellow fence-sitter.

    I suppose those on the far left and those on the far right think that those of us who prefer the view from the middle are indecisive or wishy-washy. I prefer to think that we are wise. I also think we need more of us. Perhaps we need a society or at least a WebRing.

  2. Maybe we should Kath 🙂 Do you think there are enough of us out here?

    It’s a little lonely while those on both sides attack one another.

  3. Could be worth a try. Perhaps most fence-sitters are afraid to declare themselves as such because they will probaly get attacked by both sides. Perhaps we’ll find out that we are the true “Silent Majority.”

  4. Is that what we are? Members of the silent majority?

    Which raises an interesting question… how do you get others to join you in trying to stop the madness when their defining characteristic is their silence (although I bet not in the voting boths)?

  5. Man! A site that bills itself as ‘the voice of the silent majority’ is as far left as any I’ve found on the net.


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