Going to be buying our first house

A really big deal as far as I’m concerned. I haven’t lived in a family owned house since I was five years old. It was difficult to overcome many internal impulses not to go forward. Impulses I’m sure that are embedded in me from my background growing up.

But here we go 🙂 Just signed the first series of papers last night. What a weird thought…. owning a house!

3 thoughts on “Going to be buying our first house

  1. Good luck with the house! May you have much love and many good times in it. Owning is qualitatively different than renting and well worth the extra work.

  2. thanks man 🙂 This is going to be a lot of fun. It’s a little scary, but going to be an adventure.

  3. We just went through this earlier this year. Let me know if you need any advice or references (e.g., realtors, mortgage loans, home inspectors, etc.).

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