Karl Martino – 2/18/2000
To live my life as an expression of the principals I believe in:
People shine when given the chance to create, express and grow. Empower.
People feel the need to be understood, just as, or even more strongly then the need to be loved. Listen.
People don’t need more opinions, we already drown in data. People need clarity. Drill down.
People learn from example, not only from words. Exemplify.
People are attracted to honesty and have bullshit detectors. Be true.
People need new experiences to expand their knowledge of reality. Adventure.
People can learn from their mistakes. Recognize, don’t fear failure.
People search for simple solutions to problems when they are rarely simple. Dig.
People shine when they believe they can make a lasting impact, this may be the core of everything we do. Inspire.
People and companies are driven by visions, not ideologies. Lead.
Ignorance is fear of the truth. Truth is more important than pride. Learn.
A life without passion is a life not lived. Live.
Faith is the cure to doubt. Have Faith.
When you forgive, you are forgiven. Forgive.
Love is stronger than death. Love.
PS – This mission statement was originally written on my way home from a work trip in Boston. The idea was planted in my mind by the book “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R. Covey (Wikipedia) and exemplified by Time Shadow’s Principals (see Nice Marmot for more from Dave Rogers).