Become a beta tester for Comcast’s new Webmail

If you’re a user, you can click here to sign up to participate in a beta program for our new Webmail. It’s far easier to use, with a cleaner interface, and new functionality.

And speaking of something interesting, check out this search interface. Try typing in a long query for fun.

Oh, and if you’re into widgets, we have one for the fan.

It’s true I normally avoid talking about what I do at work, but Webmail is a special case since the beta program is limited to a small number of participants and the other efforts are up on labs. Get-a-clicking and leave feedback for us.

4 thoughts on “Become a beta tester for Comcast’s new Webmail

  1. Karl,

    One thing I really miss in web searching that I have in most of the proprietary databases I use at work, is the ability to create nested Boolean searches, e.g.

    (x or y) and ((z and a) or (b and c)) and (d or e or f)

    It comes in very handy with variant names or labels for things, and trying to combine that with other concepts.

    Also the ability combine search steps. If I’ve found the perfect search for concept 1, on the web I have to retype it every time I want to combine it with concept 2, let alone concept 3. Most proprietary databases will let me create search steps and then combine then with whatever Boolean operate I want.

    But, then, probably not many people outside my line of work want to get that complicated.

  2. There are ways at many search services. Not as easy (well for me) as SQL in most cases.

    Here is an old feature chart that may still be relevant.

  3. Karl,

    Thanks. Search engines still won’t let me do all the things I want but at least I know which ones are closer.

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