These instructions are for Pennsylvania:
- You can verify you are registered by calling a phone number on this list. In Philadelphia it is:
Mr. Bob Lee
Voter Registration Admin.
Riverview Place,
520 N. Delaware Ave. 5th Fl.
Philadelphia, PA 19123-4295
(215) 686-1500 OR 1505 - If you are not registered, or have changed your personal information in some way, in Pennsylvania, the League of Women Voters give the simplest information on how register or re-register. You’ll want to read their FAQs. The main site is a wealth of information on your rights and what to look out for.
- has a clickable map, for Philadelphians to locate their polling place.
- After you are registered and confirmed it, get involved to get out the vote.
- If you’re interested in what money your candidate is taking from whom, check out A site many more should visit.
- Election Protection is a link to pass around. There is a history of voter intimidation in some parts of Philly. This is a national resource to make sure your vote gets counted.
- The Smithsonian’s “The Machinery of Democracy” is an online exhibit that “explores how ballots and voting systems have evolved over the years as a response to political, social, and technological change, transforming the ways in which Americans vote.” Fascinating stuff.
- The following is NSFW: Votergasm wants you to take a pledge: Have sex with your friendly voter on election night and withhold sex from your friendly non-voter. Cybersex doesn’t cut it folks.
- And finally, you maybe wondering, “What Are You Voting For?”. This linked comic book lays it bare for you in clear terms. Pass it around.
Consumer Report Part 1: Look at this — the Diebold GEMS central tabulator contains a stunning security hole
These machines are used in 30 different states, and all have a backdoor built in.
Read the whole article. Your vote may never get counted. Simply amazing.