New site design! I finally got around to upgrading my templates to the latest and greatest in Movable Type.
My RSS feed has relocated to Please re-subscribe there.
This led to me changing my URL design significantly. Previously, I had used entry_id as each post’s slug value, which wasn’t optimal, SEO-wise, or for file system management (having over a thousand files in a directory is rarely a good idea), so URLs are now based upon post titles, as is the default of most MT sites. This forced me to find a means to redirect the old pages. A .htaccess file with 2500 entries didn’t sound like a good idea. Instead, using a .htaccess file in the old design’s weblog/kmartino/archive directory, I mapped .shtml to PHP. I then modified the templates of the old design to output some PHP that wrote the appropriate response header to do 301 redirects to the new URL each page would reside in. Seems to work well.
I like the default MT look and feel for now. I’ll tweak latter to re-add some things I miss from the old design later, plus add some new sugar like pagination in my monthly and category archives.
I like the new design. Also for your other posts: going back to college? Photos of Emma for Halloween? Congrats to your team!
Nice job Karl – it looks great!
Thanks both of you 🙂
This is using a theme made available thru MT’s ‘Style Catcher’ plugin that was designed by
Need to give her proper credit and send an email. I like the look.
Halloween pictures coming soon 🙂