
Wired News: Cyberporn Sells in Virtual World:

You’ve heard of machinima — films made by altering video-game footage — but that’s not the only thing coming out of games these days. Players of the massively multiplayer online title Second Life have started a new type of pornographic magazine, one that passes up real-life models for sexy, in-world avatars.

The magazine, Slustler, is both shot and distributed in the world of the game. There, after throwing down 150 Linden dollars (approximately 60 cents), players can browse Slustler’s 100-plus pages per issue whenever they choose.

Thomas Struszka, Slustler’s editor, started the project this May. “In my opinion,” said Struszka, “the freedom and creative potential are what put Second Life above every other online world.”

Technology enables us to do new things every day, but human nature? Heh.

Anyways, Second Life sounds like fun… but I have way, way too too much going on in this world 🙂 Speaking of Second Life, Lawrence Lessig will be doing a virtual visit to discuss his book “Free Culture”.