I’ve been quiet here of late, not because of lack of interest, but because of far too much going on at the moment.
Tonight my band has a show. I’ve been busy making arrangements for a get together about local journalism in Philly sometime January. Philly Future has needed work to improve performance and functionality. Things have been very active at work. So there ya go 🙂
Karl, I hope that your show went well. I’d like to come see you guys sometime!
I deleted Jessika’s Journal last week. A porn site has taken over my old address. You might want to take it off of your blogroll at Philly Future.
Please add my new blog (Swedehart Stories) http://swedehartstories.blogspot.com/ when you have time. The Future and Paradox are on mine!
Thank you!
Hi Jess, someone on the team got this. Sorry for missing it for so long. Sometimes I don’t pay much attention to my personal site – so I miss comments here a lot.