Police Trapped Thousands in New Orleans

The story I shared yesterday is now getting exposure all over the web. Rogers Cadenhead summarized it to its core and his message thread is filled with outrage (and trolls):

As the situation grew steadily worse in New Orleans last week, you might have wondered why people didn’t just leave on foot. The Louisiana Superdome is less than two miles from a bridge that leads over the Mississippi River out of the city.

The answer: Any crowd that tried to do so was met by suburban police, some of whom fired guns to disperse the group and seized their water.

Around 500 people stuck in downtown New Orleans after the storm banded together for self-preservation, making sure the oldest and youngest among them were taken care of before looking after their own needs.

Two San Francisco paramedics who were staying in the French Quarter for a convention have written a first-hand account that describes their appalling treatment at the hands of Louisiana police, a story confirmed today by the San Francisco Chronicle, UPI, and St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

I added the following in his thread:

Shepard Smith on Fox News (video) confirmed this story as well:

They won’t let them walk out of there because I’m standing right above that Convention Center, and what they’ve done is they’ve locked them in there.

The government said you go here and you’ll get help or you go in that Superdome and you’ll get help. And they didn’t get help.

They got locked in there. And they watched people being killed around them. And they watched people starving. And they watched elderly people not getting any medicine.

And now they know it’s happening because we’ve been telling them. Repeatidly. Over and over every day.

And you know what they’re doing now? And I’m not blaming anyone, I’m you telling what’s happening.

They’ve setup a checkpoint at the bottom of this bridge. This is the bridge that takes you from New Orleans over into Gretna. From Orleans Parish, into Jefferson Parish. It’s the only way out. It’s the connection to the rest of the world. And they’ve set up a checkpoint and anyone who walks up, out of that city now is turned around.

You are not allowed to go to Gretna Louisiana, from New Orleans Louisiana.

Over there is hope. Over there is electricity. Over there is food and water. But you cannot go from there to there. The government will not allow you to do it.

One thought on “Police Trapped Thousands in New Orleans

  1. Karl – Great work bro. I actually just watched that fox video that confirmed the bridge situation.

    I actually fought on the phone with a friend of mine last night, who didn’t believe I was telling him the truth. Now that I see the fox coverage, (and I don’t normally watch fox, but he does) I can call him back and let him hear it for himself.

    Shame on you Gretna, for keeping people from safety. May God have mercy on your selfish souls.

    Thanks again Karl…..

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